Indexers in C#


Indexers are location indicators and are used to access class objects,just like accessing elements in an array.they are useful in cases where a class is a container for other example  uses indexers and makes an array of 15 values,stores a few values in the arrayand the null values of array from 12 position are stored with the words "empty".


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;


namespace IndexersExample


    class indexersEx


        private string[] TechCompanies = new string[14];

        public string this[int indexval]




                if (indexval < 0 || indexval >= 11)

                    return "empty";


                    return TechCompanies[indexval];




                if (!(indexval < 0 || indexval >= 11))

                    TechCompanies[indexval] = value;




    class theMainClass


        public static void Main()


            indexersEx Obj = new indexersEx();


            Obj[0] ="MCN";

            Obj[3] ="ACCENTURE";

            Obj[5] ="GENPACT";

            Obj[6] ="POLARIS SOFTWARE";

            Obj[8] = "PATNI COMPUTERS";

            Obj[10] ="MICROSOFT";

            Obj[12] ="HCL";

            Obj[14] ="FIJUTSU";

            Console.WriteLine("This is the list of IT Companies in India.\n");

            for (int i=0;i<=14;i++)


                Console.WriteLine("The name of IT Company at Index {0}{1}",i,Obj[i]);







Output of the program:
