1. Equals():
This method is used to compare the state of object not the reference of object.
2. Finalize()
This methodallows an object toattempt to free resources and perform other clean up operation
Before the object is reclaimed by garbage collector
3. GetHashcode():
Hash code is calculated by looking towards the state of the object
4. GetType():
We can say it is the same as GetClas() in JAVA.
We can Get the type of current object.
5. MemberwiseClone():
If you Remember shallow Copy,It creates the Shallow copy of the Current Object.
6. ReferenceEquals():
Public static bool ReferenceEquals(object obj1,object obj2){}
It determines Whether the References of two Object IIS Same or Not.
7 ToString():
It is the Most Familiar Method.
It represent The current Object In String format.
Object Class Always on sist of parameter less onstrutor.