Implementing the Audit Trail in 3 Tier ASP.NET Application


In this article we are going to discuss about implementing the Audit Trail in 3 tier application. Also this can used for single tier application also.

3-Tier architecture

3-Tier architecture generally contains UI or Presentation Layer, Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer (DAL).

Presentation Layer (UI)

Presentation layer contains pages like .aspx or windows form where data is presented to the user or input is taken from the user.

Business Access Layer (BAL) or Business Logic Layer

BAL contains business logic, validations or calculations related with the data, if needed. I will call it Business Access Layer in my demo.

Data Access Layer (DAL)

DAL contains methods that helps business layer to connect the data and perform required action, might be returning data or manipulating data (insert, update, delete etc). For this demo application, I have taken a very simple example. I am assuming that I have to play with record of persons (FirstName, LastName, Age) and I will refer only these data through out this article.

Below are steps and procedure to implement the Audit Trail in our application.

I have seen few Audit Trails examples in web, they explained only about the screen name, Action, IP address and Time Stamp.

Here I have used What data changed, when and changes by Whom with IP address and TimeStamp

Step 1

Create table for Audit Trail (I have mentioned my table below) in SQL database

Table: SampleAuditTrail

  • Id

  • UserName - Who logged in

  • ProcessName - What is the process they did

  • Page – Page Name

  • Operation - What operation like (Insert, Delete, Update)

  • Description

  • IP Address

Step 2

Create Interface for AuditTrail (In DAL) and declare below function

Function Insert_AuditTrail(ByVal Data As tblAuditTrail) As IResult(Of String)

Step 3

Create Class for declared Interface(In DAL) and Implement the Declared function in the Class (Code Given Below)

Public Function Insert_AuditTrail(ByVal Data As tblAuditTrail) As IResult(Of String) Implements IDAOAuditTrailValues.Insert_AuditTrail

        Dim Db As New //Your DBContext
    Dim Res As IResult(Of String) = New QueryResult(Of String)




        Res.Output = (From var In Db.tblAuditTrails Where var.ProcessTime = Data.ProcessTime And var.UserName = Data.UserName And
var.Operation = Data.Operation).ToList(0).ID

        Res.Result = DALResult.Success

        Res.Message = Msg.CreateMessage(MessageKeys.MSG_SAVE, New String() {"Audit Trail"})
    Catch ex As

        Dim dex As New DALException(Msg.CreateMessage(MessageKeys.MSG_SAVE, New String() {"AuditTrail", "Saved"}), ex)

        Res.Result = DALResult.Error

        Res.Message = dex.Message

        Res.Exception = dex

        Dim ep As New ExceptionPublisher()




    Return Res


Step 4

Create the Separate Function in DAL for getting Audit Trail values (Below are code)

Public Function GetAuditTrailInsertandUpdate(ByVal data As SampleAuditTrail, ByVal Operation As String) As IResult(Of String) Implements IDaoReviewer.GetAuditTrailInsertandUpdate

        Dim db As New CodePointDataContext
Dim Res1 As IResult(Of String) = New QueryResult(Of String)

            Dim strHostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName

            Dim ta As New tblAuditTrail
            ta.UserName = HttpContext.Current.Session.Item(2).ToString

            ta.Operation = "Update"

            ta.Page = "Page Name"

            ta.IPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")

            ta.ProcessTime = DateTime.Now

            For Each a In GetType(tblname).GetProperties()

                If a.Name.ToLower <> "id" Then
                    If a.PropertyType.IsValueType = True Or a.PropertyType.Equals(GetType(String)) Then

                        If a.GetValue(Data, Nothing) = Nothing Then

                            ta.Description += a.Name + ":" + " " & vbCrLf


                            ta.Description += a.Name + ":" + a.GetValue(data, Nothing).ToString & vbCrLf

                        End If

                    End If

                End If


            Dim res1 = (New daoAuditTrailValues).Insert_AuditTrail(ta)

 Catch ex As Exception       
End Try
Return Res1
End Function

Step 5

Now we need to call this function in every DAL function which is (Insert, Delete, and Update Methods)

Dim operation = "Insert"

Dim res1 = GetAuditTrailInsertandUpdate(p, operation)                                 

here p is refers which data came from function

Like this we can call for Update and Delete Function

Step 6

Output we will receive like this,




Form Name







User Creation


Name: Arun UserID: 102 Address:Chennai Gender:Male Remarks: Nil


This will be the simplest method to implement with all application. Any Suggestion or feedback is highly welcome.