Create new Windows 10 project to know how to create windows 10 projects refer my previous article:
Now create two button one id for send email and one is for send SMS.
To send E-mail
First we are going to see how to send email .Write the below code:
- private async void ComposeEmail(Contact Torecipient, string messageBody)
- {
- var to = Torecipient.Emails.FirstOrDefault < Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactEmail > ();
- var emailRecipient = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailRecipient(to.Address);
- EmailMessage objEmail = new EmailMessage();
- objEmail.Subject = "Suresh";
- objEmail.To.Add(emailRecipient);
- await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(objEmail);
- }
You can attach files also while sending email to attach the files write the below code before compose the email task.
- var stream = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(attachment);
- var attachment = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailAttachment(
- attachment.Name,
- stream);
- emailMessage.Attachments.Add(attachment);
To send SMS
To send an SMS write the below code:
- private async void ComposeSMS(Contact toContatc, string message)
- {
- var chatMessage = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessage();
- chatMessage.Body = message;
- var phone = toContatc.Phones.FirstOrDefault < Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPhone > ();
- chatMessage.Recipients.Add(phone.Number);
- await Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageManager.ShowComposeSmsMessageAsync(chatMessage);
- }