Here I am explaining Register or Unregister controls
event in C# Windows. Suppose you have a Form in Windows
Application. It contain a ComboBox and a label (to show result) like below
Now In code behind of above form Write below
code. .
With the above code, run this application.
Now debug the code. you will see that you debugger goes to the
combobox_selectindexchanged after the form_load.
Bcoz when you write this line
"comboBox1.SelectedIndex=0". here you change your combobox index
That's why it call selectindexchange. To
prevent this problem You have to unregistered your control event according
to your requirement. Now,
On the Form_load you have to unregistered
your combobox_selectindexchanged and after the binding of combobox you
have to register your event
combobox_selectindexchanged like below img.
If there is any suggestion please leave