While working on a forum project, I implemented like and dislike for a given topic. The user has the option to either Like or Dislike one item at a time. If the user clicks on Like, the Like option should be disabled and if the user clicks on Dislike, the Dislike option should be disabled. After selecting, it will increase the number of Likes or Dislikes.
this is output of implementation
Create tabel- like to store the status (islike => true(like) or false(dislike)), threadid => for which given topic like or dislike done as shown below.
Table -thread
In this table, we are storing the total number of likes and dislikes.
in this table others columns are subject , description and pasteddate etc
Create like function to implement Like and Dislike functionality ,Getlikecounts to count likes and Getdislikecounts to count dislikes and GetallUser to to get all users(completed like&dislike) in datafunction.cs
- public string Like(int id, bool status) {
- using(var db = new DbEntities())
- {
- var thread = db.Threads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ThreadID == id);
- var toggle = false;
- Like like = db.Likes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ThreadId == id && x.UserID == Helper.UserId);
- if (like == null) {
- like = new Model.Like();
- like.UserID = Helper.UserId;
- like.IsLike = status;
- like.ThreadId = id;
- if (status) {
- if (thread.LikeCount == null)
- {
- thread.LikeCount = thread.LikeCount ? ? 0 + 1;
- thread.DislikeCount = thread.DislikeCount ? ? 0;
- } else {
- thread.LikeCount = thread.LikeCount + 1;
- }
- } else {
- if (thread.DislikeCount == null) {
- thread.DislikeCount = thread.DislikeCount ? ? 0 + 1;
- thread.LikeCount = thread.LikeCount ? ? 0;
- } else {
- thread.DislikeCount = thread.DislikeCount + 1;
- }
- }
- db.Likes.Add(like);
- } else {
- toggle = true;
- }
- if (toggle) {
- like.UserID = Helper.UserId;
- like.IsLike = status;
- like.ThreadId = id;
- if (status) {
- thread.LikeCount = thread.LikeCount + 1;
- if (thread.DislikeCount == 0 || thread.DislikeCount < 0) {
- thread.DislikeCount = 0;
- } else {
- thread.DislikeCount = thread.DislikeCount - 1;
- }
- } else {
- thread.DislikeCount = thread.DislikeCount + 1;
- if (thread.LikeCount == 0 || thread.LikeCount < 0) {
- thread.LikeCount = 0;
- } else {
- thread.LikeCount = thread.LikeCount - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- db.SaveChanges();
- return thread.LikeCount + "/" + thread.DislikeCount;
- }
- }
- public int? Getlikecounts(int id)
- {
- using (var db = new DbEntities())
- {
- var count = (from x in db.Threads where (x.ThreadID == id && x.LikeCount != null) select x.LikeCount).FirstOrDefault();
- return count;
- }
- }
- public int? Getdislikecounts(int id)
- {
- using (var db = new DbEntities())
- {
- var count = (from x in db.Threads where x.ThreadID == id && x.DislikeCount != null select x.DislikeCount).FirstOrDefault();
- return count;
- }
- }
- public List<Like> GetallUser(int id)
- {
- using (var db = new DbEntities())
- {
- var count = (from x in db.Likes where x.ThreadId == id select x).ToList();
- return count;
- }
- }
Code for Controller Action Method
- public ActionResult details(int id) //id is threadid this id we are getting from other page index
- {
- var societyid=(int Sesion["SocietyId"])//
- = RB.Getlikecounts(id);
- ViewBag.Dislike = RB.Getdislikecounts(id);
- ViewBag.AllUserlikedislike = RB.GetallUser(id);
- return View();
- }
- public ActionResult Like(int id, bool status) {
- var Db = new datafunction(); //created datafunction.cs and there implemented like function
- var result = Db.Like(id, status); // calling and sending data to like function using Db
- return Content(result);
- }
Code for View details.cshtml
- @foreach(Like user in ViewBag.AllUserlikedislike) // to get all user
- {
- ViewBag.userid = user.UserID; // checking current id is present or not
- ViewBag.userlike = user.IsLike;
- }
- @if(@ViewBag.userid == Helper.UserId && ViewBag.userlike == true)
- { < button class = "btn btn-info btn-xs like-button"
- disabled data - status = "true"
- id = "Like" > Like < i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-up" > < /i> <span id="likecount"></span > < /button> < button class = "btn btn-info btn-xs like-button"
- data - status = "false"
- id = "Dislike" > Dislike < i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-down" > < /i><span id="dislikecount">@ViewBag.Dislike</span > < /button>
- } else if (@ViewBag.userid == Helper.UserId && ViewBag.userlike == false)
- { < button class = "btn btn-info btn-xs like-button"
- data - status = "true"
- id = "Like" > Like < i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-up" > < /i> < span id = "likecount" > < /span></button > < button class = "btn btn-info btn-xs like-button"
- disabled data - status = "false"
- id = "Dislike" > Dislike < i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o- down" > < /i><span id="dislikecount">@ViewBag.Dislike</span > < /button>
- }
- else
- { < button class = "btn btn-info btn-xs like-button"
- data - status = "true"
- id = "Like" > Like < i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-up" > < /i> <span id="likecount"></span > < /button> < button class = "btn btn-info btn-xs like-button"
- data - status = "false"
- id = "Dislike" > Dislike < i class = "fa fa-thumbs-o-down" > < /i><span id="dislikecount">@ViewBag.Dislike</span > < /button>
- }
- $("#Like").click(function() {
- debugger;
- ajaxGet("@Url.Content("~/User/Home / Like ")/?id=" + @Model.Threads.ThreadID + "&status=" + $(this).data("status"), function(data) {
- var counters = data.split('/');
- $("#likecount").text(counters[0]);
- $("#dislikecount").text(counters[1]);
- $("#Like").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- $("#Dislike").attr('disabled', false);
- });
- });
- $("#Dislike").click(function() {
- debugger;
- ajaxGet("@Url.Content("~/User/Home / Like ")/?id=" + @Model.Threads.ThreadID + "&status=" + $(this).data("status"), function(data) {
- var counters = data.split('/');
- $("#likecount").text(counters[0]);
- $("#dislikecount").text(counters[1]);
- $("#Dislike").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- $("#Like").attr('disabled', false);
- });
- });
In this blog, we learned how we can implement the Like and Dislike functions in an MVC project.
I hope this will be helpful for you. Your thoughts and comments are always welcome.