How to delete duplicate data from DataTable
with particular conditions.
Step by Step Process:
Note - Please delete Step Line and execute direct code.
Step 1: First get the value of table from loop which is coming to Database:
for (ii = dt.Rows.Count - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
c = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["cityid"].ToString());
Step 2: This is a counter which is count same value in Datatable.
t = 0;
(int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
(c == int.Parse(dt.Rows[j]["cityid"].ToString()))
t = t + 1;
jump =
Step 3: Display unique data from datatable with count .
output += "<div class=\"pan_tab\">› <a href='SearchwithLocation.aspx?id="
+ dt.Rows[0]["cityid"].ToString() + "&for=" + dt.Rows[0]["PropFor"].ToString() +
"'>" + dt.Rows[0]["cityname"].ToString() + "(" + t + ")" + "</a></div>";
output += "<div class=\"PropFor\">‹ " + dt.Rows[0]["PropFor"].ToString()
+ "</div>";
Step 4: Take the value for match the duplicate data in rows
match = dt.Rows[0]["cityname"].ToString();
Step 5: And match the condition and delete data from row
(DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
(dr["cityname"].ToString() == match)
Step 6: After delete all duplicate data from datatable at disconneted mode .
Step 7: The final state is AcceptChanges() method for new data in datatable.
count = dt.Rows.Count;
ii = count;
output +=
//For Abudhabi
output +=
output +=
//For Tab2
output +=
"<div id=tab2 class=\"tab_content\">";
output +=
"<div class=\"pantool\">";
//For sale
output +=
"<div id=propheading><u>Ajman Properties For Sale
and Rent</u> </div>";
output +=
"<div class=\"pan_tab1\">"