How to Create and Access a Azure Virtual Machine

Step 1: Login to Azure Portal

Step 2:
Click on "New" in the bottom left corner of the azure portal.
Step 3: Click on compute then select Virtual Machine. Now you will see 2 options to Create a virtual Machine:
  1. Quick Create
  2. From Gallery
1. If you choose QUICK CREATE, you have to fill following details-
  • DNS Name is the name of your Virtual Machine.

  • In IMAGE you have to choose a Operating System image from drop down menu.

  • In Size, select a size of your Virtual Machine from the commbination 25 diferrent sizes and cores given in three categories i.e. A, D, G.

  • In USER NAME, give a user name of your machine. It did not accept user, admin or administrator as a user name.

  • Now create a Password through which you can Log In into your virtual machine.

  • In last option you have to select a Region/Affinity Group. For India we will select Southeast Asia.

  • Click on a Check mark to create a Virtual Machine.

  • It will take 5-10 minutes to create a machine.

  • After creation it will show the running status, as shown in image below.

2. If you choose option FROM GALLERY, then also you have to do the same thing in the 4 steps. In this you can choose image from various options as shown in image below.


Step 4:
When your virtual machine is created you can access it remotely. Select your virtual machine in portal and click on the connect button at the bottom menu and an ".rdp" file will be downloaded.

Step 5:
Open the downloaded file and a popup will come asking for your permission, click on connect.

Step 6:
One more popup will come asking for your user credentials which you set up during the creation of machine.

Step 7:
After entering your credentials click on "ok" and you will be connected with your Virtual Machine.

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