How To Check List Template Ids In SharePoint Online

In SharePoint programming, when working on list definitions, site definitions XML wants list templates ids to conquer the operation. The user must know the list template ids for respective template types. In this blog, we will see how to checklist the template ids of library/list apps in SharePoint online. In SharePoint Online, list template types like custom list/ library are used for storing the data in a site also. Using a list, you can share information the way you want with your team members or other people. Document library template type is used to store, organize, sync, and share documents with other people in the organization.

In order to checklist the template id of library/list, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to Site content page to add an app.

  2. Choose an app for which you want to see the list template id. Suppose you want to look for Custom list (Generic list) template id, just click on Custom list app.

  3. It will display the popup window to enter the details of a list, then click on Advanced options. 
  4. Now, move the cursor on the address bar to find list template id =””. List template id for the Generic list (Custom list) is 100.

    If you are a SharePoint beginner or new learner and trying to search page library, image library, list template gallery or site template gallery id, it’s quite difficult to find the same. Here are the steps to find the related templates ids.

    Let’s find master page gallery template id. Firstly, go to Site Settings page and click on Master Pages option under the Web designer Galleries tab.

    In master page gallery (/_catalogs/masterpage/Forms/AllItems.aspx), right click and select View page source option or (Ctrl + U). Now, search for the keyword ctx.list template in the result. You will find the list template id for the master page gallery. See result image. 

    In this way, you can check the list template ids in SharePoint Online. In the next blog, you will see the available list template ids in SharePoint online.
Thank you:-) Happy reading.