Guide to Navigating Permissions and Essential URLs


SharePoint shortcuts URLs helps in providing quick access to specific pages without the need to navigate through multiple menus or options.

Here are the few URLs which you can remember and minimise your clicks.

Permission Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/user.aspx
  • Description: This link takes you to a page where you can control who can do what on your site. You can add new users, decide what they're allowed to do, and change these settings.

User Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/people.aspx
  • Description: Clicking here brings you to a page where you can see all the users on your site and change information about them, like their name or email.

Site Content Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/viewlsts.aspx
  • Description: This link shows you all the different lists and folders on your site, so you can manage what's inside them, who can see them, and how they work.

Site Settings Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/settings.aspx
  • Description: Clicking this link takes you to a page where you can change lots of important settings for your site, like who can see it, what features it has, and more.

Recycle Bin Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx
  • Description: Here, you can see all the things that have been deleted from your site. If you need to, you can restore them back to how they were before they were deleted.

Site Collection Administration Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/online/SiteCollections.aspx
  • Description: Clicking here brings you to a page where you can manage big settings for your whole site, like how much stuff people can add to it, who can control it, and other important things.

Group Page

  • URL: [YourSiteURL]/_layouts/15/groups.aspx
  • Description: This link directs you to a page where you can manage groups on your site. Groups help organize users and control their access to content and features.