What is Swift programming language?
Swift programming language is the best language to develop iOS Applications and Mac OS X Applications. It is a new programming language, which was introduced by Apple with the new features listed below.
- A programmer writes our code and it immediately executes.
- Swift has syntax like objective-C.
- Swift uses existing Cocoa Frameworks.
- Swift is safe and has a safe programming pattern.
Swift programming comes from the various popular programming languages like Python, Ruby and C# etc.
Syntax of Swift programming language is given below.
- import Cocoa
- var srt1 = "Hello, World!"
- println(str1)
Syntax of Swift programming language is very similar to Python programming. Swift provides a range of built-in data types to store the values.
They are listed below.
- Int
- Float
- Double
- String
- Character
- Optional
Decision making statement
Swift programming language has many decision making statements like C programming language, which are given below.
- if statement
- if else statement
- leader if else statement
- nested if statement
- switch statement
Types of looping statement in Swift are given below.
- for-in loop
- for loop
- while loop
- do while loop
Data structures in Swift are given below.
- String
- Array
- Structure
- Enumeration
Object orientation in Swift programming language
Swift is an object oriented programming language.
Swift supports the following
- classes
- inheritance
Swift programming language also supports Dictionaries.
Dictionaries are the special type data types, which accept the key and value pair.