Fixing "Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target" Error

This post teaches how to fix a message: 
"ERROR: Plugin IISBinding was unable to generate a target" while enabling the SSL Certificate for your website via a method described in the post How To Enable HTTPS On Your Website For Free.
Fixing Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target
So, let us start.
Open IIS - Internet Information Services (IIS).

Fixing Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target

Select "Default Web Site" and click on "Bindings...."

Fixing Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target

Edit "HTTP" host to put your websitURLrl.

Fixing Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target

Insert your website URL and press "OK".

Fixing Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target

Continue the process as the original POST recommends.

Fixing Plugin IISBinding Was Unable To Generate A Target


This IISBinding error appeared to me when I moved the website from a Server to another before enabling my HTTPS certification. This solution worked for me pretty awesomely. If you find any other solution, please comment below.