Enabling anonymous access on a View or Form will allow the users to access the view/form without passing any credentials.
I have a custom list named “K2 Workflow Tutorials” in which I have created a List View. We will see how to enable anonymous access for a list view using K2 Designer in SharePoint 2013 Online.
Navigate to the custom list. Click on List tab and then click on Application button under K2 section in the ribbon interface. Click on New and then click on View. In the category tree, expand K2 Designer, All Items, SharePoint 2013, <SiteName> => Lists=> K2 Workflow Tutorials, then My Sample List View. Click on Edit to edit this view. A pop up displays to check out the view. Please click on Yes button to check out the view. In the properties section expand Advanced and then select the checkbox for Anonymous Access.
Click on Finish button. Check in the list view. Anonymous access will be enabled successfully for the list. Right click on the list view in the category tree section and then click on Properties.
Obtain the Runtime URL which allows the users to access this view without passing any credentials.