For making an e-mail hacking page or id you
have to write an html script like this :-
- mail()
- <?php
- $to='[email protected]';("your website")
- $subject='the subject';$message='hello';("or anything you want to write")
- $headers='from:[email protected]'."\r\n".'reply-to:[email protected]'."\r\n".'x-mailer:php/'.phversion();mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);?>
Now you can create a web page for hacking
an email address or for sending fake emails to persons.
There is another way to register a
single e-mail id many times:-
An email id does not recognize these
symbols or it does not use them but for registration, it isacted as a new
email address with "." (dot) or you can use many symbols but I think'. '
(dot) symbol is more preferred so enjoy email spamming.