Dynamics CRM 2013 Tablet App Limitations

In this blog you will see the Limitations of Dynamics CRM 2013 Tablet app which will help you to ignore such things while using the app.

Applies To

  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Online
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 on Premises (IFD Enabled)
  • CRM for tablets
  • CRM for phones

·        Using window.alert, window.confirm, window.prompt or any other code that blocks code execution while waiting for a user’s response will not work as expected or will display an error. These methods should not be used in scripts that will be used in CRM for tablets.

·        Because tabs displayed in CRM for tablets cannot be expanded or collapsed, code to expand or collapse them will not work and code that is configured for event handlers using these events will not be executed.

·        Because web resources and IFRAMES in forms are not displayed in CRM for tablets any of the methods provided to interact with them will not work and code that is configured for event handlers using these for the events called when these items load will not be executed.

·        Because CRM for tablets does not provide the ability for a user to switch to different forms, those methods that enable this in the web application will not work.

·        Any methods that allow for showing or navigating to related entities in the web application will not work.

·        Methods that would refresh the command bar, get dimensions of the view port, or close a form window will not work.

 To avoid the javascript errors for Web
var isCrmForTablets = (Xrm.Page.context.client.getClient() == "Mobile")
// Code for CRM for Tablets only goes here

// Code for web browser or Outlook Client only goes here
// Code for any Client goes here

Specify what Commands will display in CRM for Tablets

When you use <JavaScriptFunction> (RibbonDiffXml) action in your custom command bar (ribbon) commands you can also separate your code using Xrm.Page.context.client.getClient. If the action you want to perform cannot work using CRM for tablets you should include display rules so that the commands will not appear using CRM for tablets. By default, any command defined will display in CRM for tablets unless you explicitly configure it not to. As a rule, you should define the following display rule and include it in every command unless you know it will work using CRM for tablets.


<DisplayRule Id="My.HideOnModern">
<CommandClientTypeRule Type="Modern"
                        InvertResult="true" />