Recently I ran across the requirement of needing to size a div tag around a table in order to have it scroll and space correctly. The number of rows in the table change so I needed to shrink the div around the table. You can actually make the DIV tag act as a server side control and change it's styles dynamically! Here's How:
In your aspx markup, make the DIV tag run on the server and assign it an id.
div id="MyDivTag" runat="server" style="width:1000px; height:300px; overflow:auto; z-index:55" onscroll="javascript:SetDivPosition()" >
In your code behind, you can now access the div tag as a server side control and change it's style. The code below will size the div height style according to the numberOfRows. You can now fully control when you want a table inside the div to scroll and not to scroll.
public void AdjustTableHeight(int numberOfRows)
MyDivTag.Attributes["style"] = String.Format("width:1000px; height:{0}px; overflow:auto; z-index:55", numberOfRows* 25);
Happy Web Coding!