Dynamically invoking Method using Reflection

In this article we would learn how we can dynamically invoke a simple Method using Reflection .

Lets start off by creating a class with a simple method as shown below :

class A
        public void display()
            Console.WriteLine("Method Invoked");

Now my task is to invoke this method using Reflection.

I implement my Program class as shown below :

  class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            A a = new A();

            Type typObjectContext = a.GetType();
            Type[] NoParams = { };
            MethodInfo meth = typObjectContext.GetMethod("display", NoParams);
            dynamic o2 = meth.Invoke(a, null);



Lets break down the code as shown below :

A a = new A();

I create a object of the class where the display method exist .

Type typObjectContext = a.GetType();

I then get the type of the object a which we just created . I assign the Type in Variable of type Type.

Since the display method does not take any parameter I can simply create a Type [] array as shown below :

Type[] NoParams = { };

Now lets get to the invoking of the method .

Before invoking we need to get the Method instance as shown below :

MethodInfo meth = typObjectContext.GetMethod("display", NoParams);

A method is invoked using Reflection as shown below :

dynamic o2 = meth.Invoke(a, null);

Run it .The method is invoked now .

I have defined a simple method without any parameters . This is enough as a starter. In future posts we will see how we can invoke more complex methods using Reflection .