Do you apply View Models in ASP.NET MVC

Matter to discuss is that if Model passing full information to a View, it's straight to use and simple to code too. Then what's matter with ViewModel? when it need to be used? As per industry experience, we have 2 scenarios where it needs to be implemented.

  1. View need to handle 2 Models and both models to be in side a single container
  2. View to handle indicators like, whether a user logged or not? Whether to render a portion or not which are logic belongs to View and we can't keep these under a Model

So you are very much in a position to explain to your client about why need to implement a View Model. Below I am explaining 2 different types of implementation of View Model. The 2nd one will use one more standard layer as Mapper.

1. ViewModel as a type to keep Entity Information and to pass it to the View -

public class MyController : Controller


public ActionResult Index()


OrderModel orderModel = <<Call to get Model>>

EnquiryModel enquiryModel = <<Call to get Model>>

DetailOrderViewModel viewModel= new DetailOrderViewModel


ShouldRenderLoginSection = !User.Identity.IsAuthenticated,

LoggedInName = User.Identity.Name ?? "",

OrderModel = orderModel,

EnquiryModel= enquiryModel





public classDetailOrderViewModel


public bool ShouldRenderLoginSection { get; set; }

public stringLoggedInName { get; set; }

public OrderModel OrderModel { get; set; }

public EnquiryModel EnquiryModel{ get; set; }



Above you see a scenario to display Order details. Order details may contain enquiry information like whether this order has been came through an inquiry or it's a direct Order etc.. We kept a ViewModel to keep all information and then passed this ViewModelto the View. Here ViewModel is acting as a simple container for multiple entities

2. ViewModel as a type to keep Entity Information through a Mapper -

public class MyController : Controller


public ActionResult Index()


OrderModel orderModel = <<Call to get Model>>

EnquiryModel enquiryModel = <<Call to get Model>>

DetailOrderViewModel viewModel= MyEntityViewModelMapper.ConvertFromBusinessEntity(orderModel,enquiryModel );




public classDetailOrderViewModel


public bool ShouldRenderLoginSection { get; set; }

public stringLoggedInName { get; set; }

public OrderModel OrderModel { get; set; }

public EnquiryModel EnquiryModel{ get; set; }


public class MyEntityViewModelMapper


//Mapping/Assignments here


See above implementation that the manual assignment no where applied and it has been moved to a separate Mapper class. This is the preferred implementation as we got clear separation. Now you guys please come up with feed backs as you may have some better suggestions.v