Display the Line Numbers in the Visual Studio Editor


We can simply set this option in two or four steps. The main purpose of setting this option is we can easily find out the code line number in both aspx page and aspx.cs page. Other important one is when we facing an error in programming it's providing the line number and error message details. So we can quickly find out the code line number.

Step 1: Before setting the line code number in Visual Studio the both pages are look like this.

                                                                           Figure 1
                                                                     Figure 2

Step 2: Select Tools section in visual studio editor. Select -> Tools -> Options.

                                                               Figure 3

Step 3: Open the Text Editor , Text Editor -> All Languages -> General -> Click the check box Line Numbers -> Click Ok.

Click the check box Line Numbers
                                                            Figure 4

Step 4: After the step 3 just check out the both pages like aspx and aspx.cs.

Show line number
                                                                                 Figure 5

Line Number
                                                         Figure 6



We learned how to set the line number in Visual Studio Editor. I hope this article is useful for all .NET beginners.