Different Types Of Operations Used In Algorithms/Programming


This blog will let you know how many different types of operations we can include/use in our algorithm/ function.

Operations in programming

Every developer performs various types of operations on input data inside the function to generate correct output. So, it's better to explore it before deep dive into writing programs.

Mostly we perform below types of operations: -

  • Arithmetic operations
  • Logical operations
  • Assignment operations
  • Increment/Decrement operations
  • Relational operations
  • Bitwise operations

Arithmetic operations:   Add (+), Subtract (-), Multiply (*), Divide (/) and Modulus (%)

Logical operations: Logical AND (&&), Logical OR (||) , Logical NOT(!)

Assignment operations:   = , +=, -=, *=, /= etc.

Increment/Decrement operations:  ++ , --

Relational operations:  greater than (>), less than (<), >= , <=, equal (=), not equl (!=)

Bitwise operations:  bitwise AND (&), bitwise OR (|), bitwise NOT (~), bitwise XOR(^)


In this blog we understand, how many different types of operations we can include/use in our algorithm/ function.

Thank you!

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