Deploy ASP.NET Application In Azure Using Visual Studio


  • Visual Studio 2017.
  • An active Azure account.

Deploy ASP.NET app in azure using visual studio

Step 1

Open Visual Studio.

Step 2


Step 3

From New project dialog box, select Visual C#->Web->ASP.NET Web Application.

Step 4

Give a project name and click OK.

Step 5

In ASP.NET Web Application dialog box, select MVC and click Change authentication.


Step 6

A screen with an authentication dialog box pops up. Select No authentication and click OK.


Step 7

From the screen given below, select Publish->select Microsoft Azure app Service->Create new->click Publish button.


Step 8

The Window given below with create app Service dialog box pops up. Select Add account option.


Step 9

You will be directed to your Azure portal for login.


Step 10

Click Create button and it will take some time to publish to Web & in Web publish activity, we can see the status of Publish.



Step 11

The successful deployment automatically opens in the Web Browser and the screen given below with an output can be displayed successfully,


I hope, this blog will be useful for deployment of ASP.NET Application in an Azure app, using Visual Studio. Thankyou.

Please refer source code.