Delete Columns In SharePoint 2013 List View Using JSOM

This blog helps you to remove the unwanted columns in SharePoint 2013, using the JavaScript Object Model (JSOM).
# Delete columns in SharePoint 2013 List View Using JSOMO365
# Applies To: SharePoint 2013,JSOM,List,Office 365
# Author: Gowtham Rajamanickam
# Date:18-March-2017
  1. <scrtipt>  
  3. updateListView('Documents','All Documents',fieldsToHide, printViewInfo,logError);  
  5. var listTitle='Documents';  
  6. var viewTitle='CustomView';  
  7. var arrayoffieldsToHide=['Title','Tutorial','Test'];  
  8. ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getWebProperties, "sp.js");  
  10. function updateListView() {  
  11.     var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();  
  12.     var web = context.get_web();  
  13.     var list = web.get_lists().getByTitle(listTitle);  
  14.     var view = list.get_views().getByTitle(viewTitle);  
  15.     var fieldNames = view.get_viewFields();  
  17.     context.load(view);  
  18.     context.load(fieldNames);  
  19.     context.executeQueryAsync(  
  20.         function(){  
  21.             for(var i = 0; i < fieldNames.get_count();i++) {  
  22.                 var fName = fieldNames.getItemAtIndex(i);  
  23.                 var found = $.inArray(fName, fieldsToHide) > -1;  
  24.                 if(found) {  
  25.                    fieldNames.remove(fName);   
  26.                 }  
  27.             }  
  28.             view.update();   
  29.             context.executeQueryAsync(success,error);  
  30.         },   
  31.         error  
  32.     );  
  33. }  
  36. </scrtipt>   
Execute the code given above, check your SharePoint site and columns are removed successfully or not.

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