Further to my article about creating generic enums using C# (http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/b942f9/9555/) and a response from Suthish Nair, the following code needs to be added to the GenericEnum base class to enable new members to be added dynamically.
I didn't think it was a good idea to allow for removal of members already added because this could upset instances which had already been created in the same session.
private static int dynamicCount;
public static int DynamicCount
get { return dynamicCount; }
public static void DynamicAdd(string name, U value)
if (names.IndexOf(name) == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("'{0}' is already an element of {1}", name, typeof(T).Name));
Finally, here's some sample code to test the above:
class Test
static void Main()
Fractions f = Fractions.ByName("Sixth");
Console.WriteLine(f); // Sixth
Fractions.DynamicAdd("Seventh", 1.0/7.0);
Fractions.DynamicAdd("Eighth", 0.125);
Console.WriteLine(f); // Sixth (unchanged)
f = Fractions.ByName("Seventh");
Console.WriteLine(f); // Seventh
Console.WriteLine(f.Value.ToString("F4")); // 0.1429
Console.WriteLine(f.Index); // 5
f = Fractions.ByValue(0.125);
Console.WriteLine(f); // Eighth
Console.WriteLine(Fractions.Count); // 7
Console.WriteLine(Fractions.DynamicCount); // 2