Create Sequential Site Workflow in SharePoint

Using this create list in site level when the work flow activated in site level.
Step 1: Open VS with new empty SharePoint project in farm solution.

Step 2: Add a new item Sequential Workflow for site workflow.
Step 3: Choose Site workflow Option.

Step 4: Click Next And Finish.(Using site work flow we start manually by default).

Step 5: ClickOnworkflowActivity.

Step 6: Write Following Code.
  1. private void onWorkflowActivated1_Invoked(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)  
  2. {  
  3.    SPWeb topsite = workflowProperties.Web;  
  4.    topsite.Lists.Add("Hello"" ", SPListTemplateType.Contacts);  
  5.    SPList listcon = topsite.Lists["Hello"];  
  6.    listcon.OnQuickLaunch = true;  
  7.    listcon.Update();  
  8.    topsite.Update();  
  9. }  
After the deploy the project.Then go to site contents in our share point site workflows and start that workflow and the output become create our list in that site.