This blog is based on creating a Solid Stage for a player using “Gdevelop." It's an open source Software and the games can be exported with GDevelop, since it is based on the native HTML5 platform. Gdevelop is also a Cross platform game engine.
“Gdevelop” IDE version 4.0 (Free).
First, you have to open the “Gdeveop” Software project.
Create project
Click Project-> New, Select->HTML 5 Platform.
Open->Empty Project and then Create the new project. We can see from the given following template,
Now, for opening a new scene, we need to open and set the following conditions,
Default set conditions,
Right hand side, Object editor.
Click on-> object bar and then Open->Add an Object.
Inserting Tiled Sprite
We need to add the tiled object, Right click->in Scene layout and->insert a new object,
After theWindow Stage appearance, select Tiled sprite object. Click-on->ok.
Go back to Scene “Gdevelop”, select-> Preview to Open Browser, the following template will be displayed in output continuously .
I hope you understood this blog. We have created a solid stage using Gdevelop IDE. Thanks for reading.