Converting Object to a know Type using Dynamic

If you have a set of polymorphic functions that do different things dependent up on the data type and you have stored your data as an object, how do you call the correct method for the object?

An example of this might be if you have a data set that you bind to a grid and want to output something to the clipboard dependent upon the data type.The common way to do this might be to do a series of if statements that compare Types.


if(obj.GetType() == typeof(int)){      



If you define a number of methods that overload the parameters and start with an object, then the compiler will not allow you to not specify the type that you have. To get over this define an overload that has object as the parameter. It now compiles but the newly added object overload is the only method that is ever called.

But, there is a way to do this polymorphically with the use of the dynamic keyword. This allows us to pass a value as dynamic and have its type defined at runtime. At runtime the value can then be used to select the correct method to call.   

By first calling a jump-off method where the parameter is dynamic it allows the runtime to decide what the type is, from there you call out to the Polymorphic method and the correct type is selected.

It is always useful to have an overload that takes object as the parameter in order for any cases that you dont have a handling method for. If no method is found that will take a parameter of the type passed then a runtime exception is thrown.

class Program


    static void Main(string[] args)


        object value = 10.0d;




    public static void DynamicCall(dynamic initialValue)





    public static void Call(double value)


        Console.WriteLine("Double Value");



    public static void Call(bool value)


        Console.WriteLine("Boolean Value");



    public static void Call(int value)


        Console.Write("Int Value");



    public static void Call(object value)


        Console.WriteLine("Object Value");

