Step 1: Add a page in your Windows Phone Project named as ‘Concatenation.xaml’
Step 2: Add some controls on the page from Toolbox as mentioned below:
· Add 2 Textboxes with name=’TextBox1’, name=’TextBox2’ and Text=’’
· Add 1 Button with Content=’Concatenate’
· Add 1 TextBlock with name=’TextBox1’ and Text=’’
Step 3: Click on the button to create the event and write the code in .cs file for the concatenation of textbox values
Step 4: Before running the Application, open WMAppManifest.xml which exist in properties Folder via Solution explorer and Navigation Page as Concatenation.xaml for setting the Start page.
Step 5: Run the Application by pressing F5
Step 6: Type the strings in both TextBoxes and click on Concatenate button to see the output.