Using static classes as directive
Earlier Releases
- using System.Console;
- using System.Convert;
- In the previous release we do not need to use the “static” keyword for using static classes as directive.
- In previous version we can only use static classes and namespaces in as directive.
Current Release (VS 2015)
- using static System.Console;
- using static System.Convert;
- Now we need add static keyword to use static classes as directive.
- In previous release apart from namespace we can use static classes. But in current release (VS 2015) using static keyword we can include static classes & non static classes, too.
For code snippet of Static Classes as directive visit here & for Non-Static classes as directive visit here.
Primary Constructors
Earlier Releases
- namespace PrimaryConstructorDemo
- {
- class PrimaryConstructorDemo(int employeeId, string empName, string empDesignation)
- {
- public int EmployeeId { get; } = employeeId;
- public string EmployeeName { get; } = empName;
- public string EmployeeDesignation { get;} = empDesignation;
- }
- }
Current Release (VS 2015) - This feature has been removed.
Declaration expressions in C#
- Removed in Visual Studio 2015 Latest Releases.
Out parameters in VB
- Removed in Visual Studio 2015 Latest Releases.