First, I created a function, which has an input source of XML format ( why XML, because while returing the data from [webMethod] C#, I convert every datatable into XML).
- Function
- var RecursiveTreeModel = function(dataXML, Person, PID) {
- var orgdataXML = dataXML;
- divAppnder += "<li>" + Person;
- divAppnder += "<ul>"
- $.each(dataXML, function(i, v) {
- if ($(this).find('PARENT_PERSONID').text() == PID) {
- RecursiveTreeModel(orgdataXML, $(this).find('NAME').text() + ' - ' + $(this).find('TYPE').text() + ' - ' + $(this).find('EMPID').text(), $(this).find('CHILD_PERSONID').text());
- }
- });
- divAppnder += "</ul></li>";
- return divAppnder;
- }
- Explaination
function(dataXML, Person, PID)
dataXML -> this is the xml data
Person -> this is Name of person,
PID -> ParentId
**$(this).find('PARENT_PERSONID').text() -> this is the way to read XMl tags and their values in jQuery.
- (dataXML) XML Format
You can get XML formatted data from C# in the follwing ways
- dataset.GetXml()
- or create custom method as shown below:-
- public static string DatatableGetXml(DataTable dTable) {
- var writer = new StringWriter();
- dTable.WriteXml(writer, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema, false);
- return writer.ToString();
- }
- C# Call
Call it using jQuery AJAX,
- [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
- public static string ParentChildPersonRelationship() {
- }
- Output
I have used Ul > li format to bind the data.