Every programmer should be aware of the best practices to be followed while writing a piece of code. Good code is self-explanatory, readable, optimized and easy to maintain. Any piece of code should be human-readable and as easy to understand as a story. Naming conventions play a major role in this.
Below are certain norms which should be considered while naming a variable,
Variable name should be |
Intention revealing. The reader should understand the usage of the variable from the name; e.g. var isValidName = false is more appropriate than var flag = false
Meaningfully Distinct
Name. It shouldn’t be similar; e.g. productInfo and productData are confusing names for two different variables
Searchable. The reader should be able to search the variable easily in IDE; e.g., if the programmer used i (instead of index), searching the variable will be a pain, as the whole code will have the letter i in different names.
Pronounceable. The reader should be able to pronounce it; e.g., var genymdhs is just gibberish while generationTimeStamp is meaningful and pronounceable
No Encoding. Don’t add context; type in the name. (e.g. Hungarian notation is a practice of adding variable type in the name)
e.g userNameString
Easy to Differentiate. Use names that can be easily differentiated; e.g., controllerForEfficientHandlingOfUserName and controllerForEfficientStorageOfName are difficult to differentiate.
handlingOfUserName and storageOfUserName can be a replacement for the above names.
Use Camel Case Naming Convention; e.g., var userName
Below are certain norms which should be considered while naming a method.
Use a verb while naming methods. Add get/ set/ is according to intention of function;e.g., use deletePage() instead of pageDeletion()
Use pronounceable, intention revealing names. The reader should be able to pronounce it easily and understand the purpose of the method; e.g., getUserName() reveals intentions of method instead of getNameString()
One word for one intention. Don’t use the same word for two purposes; e.g., use insert if you want to add only one item in the collection. Use add if you want to add multiple items.
No Similar words. Use the same word instead of using similar wordsl e.g., getUserName(), fetchAddress() makes code difficult to maintain. Instead, getUserName(), getAddress() could be appropriate choice of names.
Use camel Case naming convention
e.g. getUserName()
While naming overloaded constructor, use argument description in the name
e.g. Complex point = Complex.FromRealNumber(35.0) is easy to use than Complex point = new Complex()
Below are certain norms which should be considered while naming a class,
Use Pascal case naming convention; e.g., Animal
Use nouns while naming class; e.g., use AddressParser instead of ParseAddress