Here, I am going to discuss some basic Linux command through which you can get the information of your system in Linux environment.
- cat /proc/meminfo: It will provide you Memory Information.
- cat /proc/cpuinfo: It will provide you CPU Information.
- date: It will show you current date or time.
- whoami: It shows who are logged in right now.
- df -h: It shows disk usage.
- du: It shows directory space usage.
- uname -a: It shows kernel information.
- w: It shows who is online.
- cal: It shows the current month calender.
- cat /proc/filesystems: It shows the type of current file system which are currently using.
- free: It displays available memory in kilo bytes.
- cat /proc/version: This command shows what version you are using. And it displays some other information as well.