Back from the dead!

A quick search on the Internet later and viola! It is amazing how many database servers there are out there (and I thought I knew them all!); what in the world is Mimer SQL?

Anyway, the site also provides connection string information on how to connect to data files such as Excel and FileMaker. Plus other database structures such as Active Directory and Exchange. Cool!

On other news, I was chatting with brother (he's in Jordan) and I mentioned the fact that a friend of mine bought a Zune and an Xbox from the States. And he asks me; what's a Zune? Gasp!!! Whats a Zune!!! My own flesh and blood! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

For all of you out there who don't know what a Zune is, its the latest ubber hot gizmo from Microsoft that's gonna kick iPods !censored!. Check it out online at

No, really, its got 30GB, comes in 3 colors, black, white and brown(?), has a 3 inch screen for video and pictures and wireless connectivity. Plus its the only one (thus far) that works well with Windows Vista (of course).

Oh yeah, it retails for around US$ 250.


Bashar Lulu
MVP - Visual Basic
INETA Country Leader - Gulf

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