Autopopulate the User Profile Information into SharePoint Feilds Using SPServices

User Profiles basically contain information (Manager, WorkEmail, workPhone,Department and etc.) about the person in the organization.

Create SharePoint Controls as mentioned below.
  1. Name (People or Person)
  2. E-Mail (Single Line of Text)
  3. Phone Number (Single Line of Text)
Add Script Editor webpart into NewForm.apsx page and write the below code into script editor webpart.

  1. <script src=""></script>  
  2. <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.js"></script>  
  3. <script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.UserProfiles.js"></script>  
  4. <script src="//"></script>    
  6. $(document).ready(function (){    
  8.     $("input:text").focus(function(){    
  9.     var userId = $("").attr("ID"); // People Picker Reference    
  10.     userId=userId.replace(/\\/g,'\\');    
  11.     userId = userId.split("|")[1]; // Splitting User ID    
  12.     $().SPServices({    
  13.         operation: "GetUserProfileByName",    
  14.         async: false,    
  15.         AccountName: userId,    
  16.         completefunc: function (xData, Status) {    
  17.             workEmail = getUPValue(xData.responseXML, "WorkEmail"); //Fetching Email ID    
  18.             workPhone = getUPValue(xData.responseXML, "WorkPhone"); //Fetching Phone Number    
  19.         }    
  20.     });    
  21.     $("input[title='E-Mail']").val(workEmail); // Appending Email ID with TextField    
  22.     $("input[title='Phone Number']").val(workPhone); // Appending Phone Number with TextField    
  23.     });    
  25. });    
  27. function getUPValue(x, p) {    
  28.     var thisValue = $(x).SPFilterNode("PropertyData").filter(function() {    
  29.         return $(this).find("Name").text() == p;    
  30.     }).find("Values").text();    
  31.     return thisValue;    
  32. }   
In the below screen, EMail and Phone Field Values get auto populated onfocus of any control in the form.