1. Use forward slash
- Use forward slashes for resource hierarchy and to separate URI resources.
- Example: https://test.api.com/articles/authors
2. Use nouns, not verbs
- When naming the URIs, you should use nouns to describe what the resource is and not what it does. For example:
Wrong: https://test.api.com/api/getProfiles
Correct: https://test.api.com/api/profiles
3. Use plural nouns
- This makes it clear that there is more than one resource within a collection. Using singular nouns can be confusing. For example:
Wrong: https://test.api.com/api/profile/21
Correct: https://test.api.com/api/profiles/21
4. Lowercase letters
- As a standard, URLs are typed in lowercase. The same applies to API URIs.
5. Use hyphens to separate words
- When chaining words together, hyphens are the most user-friendly way and are a better choice than underscores.
- For example: https://test.api.com/api/profiles/101/first-name
6. Never use file extensions
- There is no purpose in using file extensions in URIs. They are unnecessary and only make it harder to read clearly.
- Wrong: https://test.api.com/api/profiles.xml
7. Include versioning
- Make sure you create a new version of your API if you're making major changes that could break it.
- This is usually indicated in endpoints by adding the version at the start of the endpoint.
- For example: https://test.api.com/api/v2/articles