Adding Angular NuGet Package

I know it’s straight forward to install the NuGet package by right click on the solution and Select Manage Nuget package as shown in the below screen shot:



But I found some issue so thought of writing something about the same. While working on the AngularJS, when I tried to install the same from NuGet it asked for NuGet user id and password. As shown below:



Even though I have valid user id and password I am not able to install the AngularJS. This issue I faced only for AngularJS rest all is working fine.

So I found alternate solution for the same, Please find below the same.


I have installed the AngularJS package from the net. After that I followed following the steps to get rid of the issue:

Step 1: Download the package from the net.

Step 2 : Right Click on the solution and Select “Manage Nuget package”,

Manage Nuget package

Step 3: Select Setting as mention below:




And Select OK.

After that if will show the package under Downloads as shown below:


Select the package and Install the same.