Working With Azure Log Analytics


Azure log analytics gives you the facility to search and view logged data from various Azure resources. Before this was a separate service in Azure but now it's being incorporated as part of Azure monitor. In this demo we are going to learn how to manage Azure Log Analytics.
Step 1 - Log Analytics
Log into the Azure portal using your account credentials at the following URL.
On the dashboard, choose to create a resource and type "Log Analytics".
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 2 - Creating Log Analytics
Click “Create” button to deploy the Log Analytics Service.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 3 - Log Analytics Workspace
Select “Create New” in the Log Analytics. Enter the “Log Analytics Workspace” name, choose the correct “Subscription”. Select the existing resource group, and then select the “Pricing Tier”, after entering the information, click “Ok” button to start the deployment.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 4 - Verifying the Log Analytics Workspace
After successfully deploying the Log Analytics Workspace, we need to verify our Log Analytics Workspace. Go to your Resource Group and verify that our Log Analytics Workspaces are installed correctly. So here our Log Analytics Workspace named “TESLWeb-Logs” is successfully deployed, so click the “TESLWeb-Logs”.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 5 - Adding Virtual Machine
In the Log Analytics Workspace “TESLWeb-Logs” select “Virtual Machines” under the Workspace Data Sources, now we can verify that our Virtual Machine “TESL” is not connected so click the Virtual Machine.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 6 - Connecting our Virtual Machine
Now we can verify that our Virtual Machine Status is not connected and the Workspace Name is None, so Click “Connect”. After clicking “Connect” now we can verify that our Workspace name is “TESLWeb-Logs”.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 7 - Verifying the Connection
Now our Virtual Machine “TESL” is connected to the Log Analytics Connection.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 8 - Connecting the Sources
Select the Log Analytics workspace and then click “Advanced Settings”. Here we can find the Connected Sources. This option is for On-Premises Servers, you can download the OMS Gateway and analyze the logs.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 9 - Selecting the Performance counters
In this demo our workloads are running to the cloud, so click “Data”. Our Virtual Machine Operating System is Linux, so click “Linux Performance Counters”, then select “Apply below configuration to my machine”. After that select the performance counters, and then click “Add the selected performance counters”.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 10 - Performance Interval
Select the performance Interval, and then click “Save”.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 11 - Monitoring the Logs
Search monitor in the search box, in the Monitor tool, click “Logs”
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 12 - Running the Query
In the Logs, Select the “Performance and Availability” then select “Virtual Machine available memory” and then select “Run”.
Azure Log Analytics 
Step 13 - Query Output
After running the query, we can get the chart of our Virtual Machines Memory usage output.
Azure Log Analytics 


I hope you understood about Azure Log Analytics. In this demo we used a very simple query for analyzing, in our next article will learn more analyzing concepts using Azure Log Analytics.

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