In this article, you will learn about JavaScript arrays.
- What is an Array?
- How to create an array?
- How to access an array of elements or items?
- Can we store other data types of value in arrays?
- Using the array's Method
- ToString
- Length
- Concat
- Pop
- Push
- Sort
- Reverse
- Delete
What is an Array in JavaScript?
An Array is a collection of the same data types, values, or collections of data items. In the memory variable, we can store one value at a time, and in an array, we can store many values and retrieve them as per the index number of stored values.
We can use an array to store lists and tables of values and pass the values to function or server-side very easily for further processing.
The following example shows that an array is the best solution to store values (collection of values).
In the following example, when we select the languages we know and hit the SUBMIT button, the values are stored in an array utilized on the server side.
How to create arrays in JavaScript?
Method 1. In this method, w predefined the values of arrays.
var ArrayVariableName = [“ ”,” “ ”, . . . . . . . .];
var computer = [“Keyboard”,”Mouse”,”Processor”,”Monitor”,”Cabinet”];
Arraymethod1.HTML Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>Method 1</h1>
<br />
<br />
<p id="arraymethod1"></p>
var computer = ["Keyboard", "Mouse", "Processor", "Monitor", "Cabinet"];
document.getElementById("arraymethod1").innerHTML = computer;
Method 2. In this method, we are not predefining the values of arrays. In run time, we a d or update the value in arrays.
//initializing arrays
var ArrayVariableName = [];
//set value of arrays against index number
var ArrayVariableName[IndexNumber] = “Values”;
In the following example, we have created arrays called a computer. In the first row, I have initialized the arrays, and in the next row, I have given the value of arrays with an index numbers.
var computer = [];
computer[0] = “Keyboard”;
computer[1] = “Mouse”;
computer[2] = “Processor”;
computer[3] = “Monitor”;
computer[4] = “Cabinet”;
Arraymethod2.HTML Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>Method 2</h1>
<br />
<br />
<p id="arraymethod2"></p>
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.getElementById("arraymethod2").innerHTML = computer;
Method 3. In this method, while initializing the arrays, we have to give the length (size) of the arrays.
var computer = new Array(5)
computer[0] = “Keyboard”;
computer[1] = “Mouse”;
computer[2] = “Processor”;
computer[3] = “Monitor”;
computer[4] = “Cabinet”;
Arraymethod3.HTML Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>Method 3</h1>
<br />
<br />
<p id="arraymethod3"></p>
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.getElementById("arraymethod3").innerHTML = computer;
How to access the array elements or items?
We can access each array's element value by index number.
Manually access the array's element values.
FOR loop for accessing the array's element values.
GetEachArraysValue.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<p id="arraymethod3"></p>
var arrayValue = ""
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
arrayValue = "<ul>"
//for loop
for (i = 0; i < computer.length; i++) {
//computer[i] give the value of each array element. i value changed in loop.
arrayValue += "<li>"+computer[i] + "</li><br/>";
arrayValue += "</ul>"
document.getElementById("arraymethod3").innerHTML = arrayValue;
In the above, you can see we fetch and store all the array elements in an array variable called arrayValue. After loop compilation, the arrayValue variable value is given/assigned to <P> tag ID called arraymethod3.
Can we store other data types of value in arrays?
Yes, you can store all data-type values in an array. Herewith, given an example, you can see that in the code, I stored String, Boolean, and Integer values in an array.
OtherDataTypes.html code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<p id="arraymethod3"></p>
var arrayValue = ""
//defined arrays called FORMVALUES and stored different data types in the arrays
var formValues = [];
//stored Character/string values
formValues[0] = "Suhana Ashish Kalla";
//stored Numberic/interger values
formValues[1] = 101;
//stored Logical/Boolean values
formValues[2] = true;
formValues[3] = "MBA";
arrayValue = "<ul>"
//for loop
for (i = 0; i < formValues.length; i++) {
//computer[i] give the value of each array element. i value changed in loop.
arrayValue += "<li>" + formValues[i] + "</li><br/>";
arrayValue += "</ul>"
document.getElementById("arraymethod3").innerHTML = arrayValue;
Using the array's Method
- ToString
- Length
- Join
- Concat
- Pop
- Push
- Shift
- UnShift
- Sort
- Reverse
- Delete
To convert arrays into the string format.
ToString.html code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>ToString Method</h1>
<p>To convert arrays into string format.</p>
<br />
<br />
<p id="arraymethod3"></p>
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.getElementById("arraymethod3").innerHTML = computer.toString();
To get the total number of index numbers in an array, remember that an array's index number starts from 0. Suppose length returns 2; it means a total of 3 indexes are used in the array.
Length.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Arrays Length</title>
<h1>Length Method</h1>
<p>To get maximum index numbers of array used.<br /> Always remember arrays index number start from 0.<br /> Suppose length return 2 it means total 3 index used of arrays.</p>
<br />
<br />
All five(5) items filled.
<p id="arr1val"></p>
<b>Length of Computer Arrays:</b>
<p id="arraymethod3"></p>
<br />
<br />
Only three(3) items filled but its showing length 21.
<p id="arr2val"></p>
<b>Length of Mall Arrays:</b>
<p id="arraymethod4"></p>
//Computer arrays Total length is 5 items
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.getElementById("arr1val").innerHTML = computer.toString();
document.getElementById("arraymethod3").innerHTML = computer.length;
//Mall arrays Total length is 21 items
var mall = [];
mall[0] = "Oberoi Mall - Goregoan(East)";
mall[14] = "The Growel Mall - Kandivali(East)";
mall[20] = "Inborbit - Malad(West)";
document.getElementById("arr2val").innerHTML = mall.toString();
document.getElementById("arraymethod4").innerHTML = mall.length;
To merge arrays, we use the following code
Example 1
var first = [“1”,”2”,”3”];
var second = [“4”,”5”,”6”];
var third = first.concat(second);
Example 2
var first = [“1”,”2”,”3”];
var third = first.concat([“4”,”5”,”6”]);
Concat.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>Concat Method</h1>
<p>To merge existing arrays.</p>
<br />
<br />
<p id="arraymethod3"></p>
//First arrays defined called "computer"
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
//Second arrays defined called "internalParts"
var internalParts = [];
internalParts[0] = "RAM";
internalParts[1] = "Hard Disk";
internalParts[2] = "Mother Board";
internalParts[3] = "CPU Fan";
//Third Arrays defined which get result of concat (merging) of arrays
var computerparts = computer.concat(internalParts);
document.getElementById("arraymethod3").innerHTML = computerparts.toString();
To remove the last element of the array and return its value.
Pop.html code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>pop Method</h1>
<p>To remove the last element of arrays.</p>
<br />
<br />
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.write("<b>Total elements of arrays : </b> " + computer.toString()+"<br><br>")
var removeitem = computer.pop();
document.write("<b>After removing one item: </b>" + computer.toString() + "<br><br>");
document.write("<b>Removed arrays element item: </b> " + removeitem + "<br><br>")
To add the element in the last and return the length of arrays.
Push.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>push Method</h1>
<p>To add an new item in the last position.</p>
<br />
<br />
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.write("<b>Total elements of arrays : </b> " + computer.toString()+"<br><br>")
var additem = computer.push("Motherboard");
document.write("<b>After added one item : </b>" + computer.toString() + "<br><br>");
document.write("<b>Added one item and now length of arrays : </b> " + additem + "<br><br>")
To sort the elements of arrays.
Sort.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>sort Method</h1>
<p>To sort the arrays elements items.</p>
<br />
<br />
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.write("<b>Before sorting elements of arrays : </b> " + computer.toString() + "<br><br>")
//Sorting Arrays Elements
var sortedItem = computer.sort();
document.write("<b>After sorting items : </b>" + sortedItem.toString() + "<br><br>");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>sort Method</h1>
<p>To sort the arrays elements items.</p>
<br />
<br />
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.write("<b>Before sorting elements of arrays : </b> " + computer.toString() + "<br><br>")
//Sorting Arrays Elements
var sortedItem = computer.sort();
document.write("<b>After sorting items : </b>" + sortedItem.toString() + "<br><br>");
To make array element items in reverse order, you can use it for descending order.
For descending order, you first sort it, then use reverse.
Reverse.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>Reverse Method</h1>
<p>To reverse the arrays elements items.</p>
<br />
<br />
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.write("<b>Before reverse elements of arrays : </b> " + computer.toString() + "<br><br>")
//Sorting Arrays Elements
var reversedItem = computer.reverse();
document.write("<b>After using reverse : </b>" + reversedItem.toString() + "<br><br>");
To delete the particular array elements by index number.
delete <arrayName>[IndexNumber];
delete computer[1];
Delete.html Code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<h1>Delete Method</h1>
<p>To Delete the arrays elements item by index number.</p>
<br />
<br />
var computer = [];
computer[0] = "Keyboard";
computer[1] = "Mouse";
computer[2] = "Processor";
computer[3] = "Monitor";
computer[4] = "Cabinet";
document.write("<b>Before deleting elements of arrays : </b> " + computer.toString() + "<br><br>")
//Sorting Arrays Elements
delete computer[2];
document.write("<b>After delete : </b>" + computer.toString() + "<br><br>");