WordPress Best 5 Features

Here are some of the latest features that WordPress has provided which can be beneficial in our development work.

Gutenberg Editor

  1. They have introduced a Gutenberg block editor, with which we can edit the posts, pages, and custom post types we create.
  2. Using the widgets in the block editors we can add the shortcodes and also embed the videos. They provide embedding for most sites that are popular.
  3. If we have updated the WordPress version then the old content remains as it is and we can convert the content in the block structure by going in the right side section with three dots. In there we have to click on Convert to blocks. Link: https://prnt.sc/uv99sf
  4. It lets us edit the images there itself. The blocks can be copied and pasted as we can do in Elementor and also blocks lets us set the gradient background colors.

HTML Anchors

This is a page jump feature. When on the same page we want to jump to the anchor is used.
Each block we create, we will be able to save an ID name to it. If suppose we click on it then it will jump to that section.

Classic Editor

If we are comfortable with the old way then we can switch back to the old classic editor by installing the plugin Classic editor.

Twenty Twenty Theme

This theme built with the block editor in a way gives us the idea of how we can use the features of the block editor. With the latest version of WordPress, the new versions of the Gutenberg block editor also have been rolled out.


WordPress now selects more dash icons that we can use in our site using the classes or the codes.
Please check this link for more details here.

Auto-updates of plugins

Now WordPress provides an option to enable the auto-updates for the plugins.
On the plugins page, we have to go to the screen options and enable the checkbox for auto-update.
Check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/utvw2m
Once we enable it the column will be added to enable the auto-update.
Check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/utvxkr

Auto-updates for themes

Just like the plugins we can enable auto-update for the themes as well.
Go to the themes page and click on the theme details and the popup option there below the theme title we can see the link to enable the auto-updates.
Check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/utvysq
Once the plugins and themes are updated the admin is informed over email about the same.


In this article, we learned the best 5 features of WordPress.

I hope this will be useful. Thank you for reading