Windows Azure - Blob Storage And Creating Resource Group, Storage Account


In this article, I’ll show you how to create the Resource group, Storage account, Containers, and Blobs on Microsoft Azure portal. And then, how to upload files to the Microsoft Azure Storage Account.


Just, we need an Azure subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, you can get a trial account for one month.

OK, let’s start

First of all, I’ll briefly tell about these terms.

Then we will see how we can create these objects and work on it.

Resource groups

It provides a way to monitor, control access, provision and manage the billing for collections of assets that are required to run an application, or used by a client or company department, so this is called Resource group.

Azure storage account

A general-purpose storage account gives you access to Azure Storage services such as Tables, Queues, Files, Blobs and Azure virtual machine disks under a single account, this is called Storage accounts.

  • Durable and Highly Available
  • Scalable (capacity and throughput)
  • Security
  • Performance Efficient


The very first service of its kind in the cloud, Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a new Azure service delivering containers with great simplicity and speed and without any Virtual Machine infrastructure to manage.


Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data Storing data for analysis by an on-premises or Azure-hosted service.

Step 1

Accessing Microsoft Azure Portal, just type in the URL command. Then, hit Enter.

This will Open up the Windows portal.


Step 2 (Create Resource Group)

First, go to click the Resource Group on the left blade. Now, you can see the currently available Resource groups.

And then, click the "Add" button.


Now, here, we need to provide some details.

After finishing the details, click the "Create" button.

Resource group is successfully created.

And just click the Refresh button, after we got a notification.


Now, we can see the created Resource group.


Step 3 (create Storage Account)

Search on the top. And, click on that Storage account (Classic).


Right now, you can see that, currently we have two storage account.


Click the Add button to create a new Storage account.

Then, we need give some details here to create a new Storage account.

First, give the account name in lower case. Choose location.

And choose Replication,

  • Locally Redundant Storage (LRS)
    It makes 3 copies of your data & then it can put all data in particular datacenter.
  • Geo – Redundant Storage (GRS)
    It’ll keep 6 copies of your data in the different region.
  • Read – Access Geo – Redundant Storage (RA - GRS)
    This also keeps your data into a different region and you can have read access to your data.

Now I’m going to use the Locally Redundant Storage (LRS). So, select that.

Choose your Subscription. And select your Created Resource.

Now click Create.


So, now the Storage account created successfully.

Just click the refresh button. Now, we can see our created Storage account and Click on that.


Step 4 (Create the Container)

  • Blobs - Provide a simple interface for storing named files along with metadata for the file.
  • Files - Unlike Azure Blob storage, Azure Files offer SMB access to Azure file shares.
  • Tables - A Table is a set of entities. Azure tables are ideal for storing structured, non-relational data.
  • Queues - Provide reliable storage and delivery of messages for an application.
Now Click the Blobs.

Click the Container button for creating a new container and give the name in lower case.

And select the Access level.

Just click OK.


Now, successfully create the Storage container we can also see this here.


Step 5 (Create the Blob)

And now, we can also create a Blob, as the same location as well.


Now, successfully create the Blob Storage. We can also see this here.

Now, we have a container and Blob.


Step 6 (Upload)

Let’s, now upload the data into the Blob.

First, choose the created blob. 

Click the Upload button and select the file from your computer.

And then, click Upload.


Now, the files are successfully uploaded.


Finally, we can see this uploaded file and also download as well.

Azure Azure

So now, I hope you understood how to use the MS Azure portal to create a new Resource group, Storage account, Container, Blob. And also how to upload the data to the Blob as well.

And If you have any queries, log in to the command box below.

Thanks For Reading.. Cheers!