Why Python Is The Greatest Of All Time


In this, we are mainly going to learn about the productivity-increasing segment of the programming language Python and will understand the availability of the different packages and usage of modules in Python that makes the context more feasible and convenient in usage.



Of course, we are not covering any old-time history of Python but before we actually proceed let's have a basic outlook of this programming language. In simple words we can say, Python is one of the code-less, high-level, and even object-oriented programming languages that is commonly used for developing websites, software, data inspection, and task-automation. The highlighted scenario of Python is all about its basic and hands-down syntax which makes it more intense in terms of its acceptance.

About Its Superiority

Mainly, Python is extremely versatile and has n number of reasons to adopt ir in practice, which actually makes it superior as compared to the other different programming languages. Let's have a look at this as well...

  1. Syntax Simplicity
    This is one of the most practical reasons behind the superior nature of python, the syntax for python is elegant, we can say just quite basic and easy to understand. Through which the level of programming in python is more effective and efficient.
  2. Module Functionality
    In python programming, users can easily use the modules for the different functionalities by just importing them into the code and can enhance the reach of their program up to the next level. Python provides a huge set of modules and all of these are highly used for different tasks accomplishment.
  3. Dynamic Complexion
    Here, we are not required to define the data type of the variables while declaring and initializing them. As python automatically ascertains this at run time when the values are entered and this is insane.
  4. Vast Existing Libraries
    As we discussed modules before, it is just a grouped collection of these different modules into a single unit. Various python libraries are preinstalled and users can install many of these according to preference as they provide usage over data manipulation, visualization, images-structure, data science, and much more. NumPy, pandas, math, sketchpy, turtle, scipy are some of the libraries that can be used accordingly.

The Packages Installation

In python, ‘pip’ is a package manager for python, and this is used to install and manage the third-party modules in our programs, through which the requested module will be installed as it connects to the online repository called Python Packages Index. It enhances working capabilities

For the python version 3.4 and above pip is already installed as a default one. Now let us check out the usage of these packages in our program.

Step 1

Open the terminal in Visual Studio using Ctrl + `

Step 2

Check the version of pip installed on your system; using the command:

 pip --version

Step 3

Now run the command: pip install turtle, if it is already available it will display “Requirement already satisfied” otherwise your installation will be started.

It's time for using the same module and show some creativity...

from turtle import *
x = 0
while x < 20 :


Conciseness Of Code

Surprisingly, the reason behind the vast usage of python is all about its code which is simple and quite linear. All this brings down the working efforts of the developers that save time and consistency at a higher level. As compared to the other programming languages like C, C++, and JAVA, the coding segment of all these three is somewhere we can say a bit larger. Consider the code of swapping values of two variables in C and the same swapping in Python

Swapping Values In C

int main()
    int x,y;
    printf("Enter value of x");
    printf("Enter value of y");
   printf("After swap, x = %d",x);
   printf("After swap, y = %d",y);
   return 0;

Swapping Values In Python

x,y = y,x
print("After swap X :",x)
print("After swap Y :",y)

The above two codes are basically performing the same operation of swapping two values. So what do you think now isn’t it cool, it's really amazing. This is just about some basic example of showing out its coding scenarios. However, it's not all about the shortness of code it's also the code capability that is predefined in python.

Ease Over IoT

Using python is not only limited to developing software and building websites, it also highly contributes to the development when it comes to IoT(s) - Internet Of Things. Mainly, the access to a large set of libraries/packages in python helps in the formation of the various different IoT devices and even arranges the backend server in order to communicate and interact with these IoT devices.

NumPy, sockets, tkinter are some of the packages in python that are used accordingly in order to form a network for these devices. In short, we can say, the dynamic nature of python, the support of a huge community network, and its minimal implementation process helps IoT app developers at a vast level.

Usage Of Python Modules

Generally, the module is a type of file containing some predefined context it which can be used in our program. The use of these modules provides accessibility to perform more productive in a simple manner. import keyword is used to access the standard modules and the third-party modules. Following is the syntax for accessing the built-in and third-party modules respectively.

import module_name
from pkg_name import fun_name

Now let's try to use these various modules...

import qrcode
img = qrcode.make('https://www.c-sharpcorner.com')


from itertools import chain
import random
lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
num = "0123456789"
sym = "@!#$"
all = lower + upper + num + sym
length = 10
passcode = "".join(random.sample(all,length))
print("\n\nYour Required Password Is :")


I know most of us are already aware of these basic modules but my motive is just to show the usage of different modules that python provides and these can collectively constitute a major role in the projects of higher level that makes it superior.


So by the end, we actually understand how python enriches the performance and why there is a craze for python in beginners. It's simply due to its amazing modules and frameworks that evenly helps out us in all aspects. Up to this mark, we can clearly signify the nature of python and get an overview of its actual functionalities. I hope you like this article and if you found something that provides value to you just do share.

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