What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous code in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, synchronous and asynchronous code refer to different ways of executing code.

Synchronous code is executed in a single thread, where each statement is executed one at a time in the order in which it appears in the code. When a statement is executed, the program waits for it to complete before moving on to the next statement. This means that synchronous code can be predictable and easier to reason about, but it can also be slow if a statement takes a long time to complete.

Asynchronous code, on the other hand, is executed in a non-blocking manner, where each statement is not necessarily executed in the order in which it appears in the code. Instead, the program can move on to the next statement while waiting for the previous statement to complete. Asynchronous code often involves callbacks or promises to handle the results of an asynchronous operation, such as reading a file or making an AJAX request. Asynchronous code can be faster and more efficient than synchronous code, but it can also be harder to reason about and debug.

Here's an example of synchronous code:


In this example, the console.log statements will be executed in order, so the output will be:


Here's an example of asynchronous code using a callback:

setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);

In this example, the setTimeout function will delay the execution of the callback function by 1000 milliseconds (1 second). This means that the console.log('End') statement will be executed before the callback function. The output will be:


Asynchronous code is commonly used in web development to prevent blocking the main thread while waiting for slow operations, such as making network requests or updating the UI.

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