What Is Power BI Used For

Power BI is a business intelligence tool for data analysis and interactive data visualization. You can load and transform the data using this tool. Below are some points that show why we use Power bi and its role.
Easy to start
You can easily download and install the setup. You do not need any special training to use it, and it includes dashboards for services such as Salesforce, Google Analytics, and Microsoft Dynamics.
Refresh Dataset
Once you load the data you can refresh it with one click if the dataset has been updated at its source.
Real-time data visualization
Dashboards created in Power BI update in real-time, which provides users the ability to solve problems and identify opportunities quickly. Any report or dashboard can display real-time data visualization. Sources of streaming data can be any file source, database, social media sources, or anything from which time-sensitive data can be collected.
Power BI app navigation
An “app navigation experiences” feature provides developers the ability to customize navigation to help users to find content quickly and understand the relationships between different reports and dashboards.
Security Features
To ensure that viewers see only data relevant to them, report developers can set up row-level security (RLS) access filters, minimizing the risk of people seeing data that they should not.
Cortana integration
Power BI works with Cortana, a digital assistant for Microsoft. To view charts and graphs, users will ask questions in natural language orally. For users of mobile devices, this can be particularly helpful.
Artificial Intelligence
Power BI users can access image recognition and text analytics, create machine learning models, and integrate with Azure Machine Learning.
The onsite gateway can also be set up to use Power BI to explore data sets on your own servers. You may equate website visits with purchases in this way, or see what deals have brought new customers in. You can generate your own reports and visualizations, conduct measurements (these measured measures are named by Power BI) and set access thresholds to monitor who can display more sensitive information for individual users, data sources, or detailed dashboards and reports.
A linear list of dates or times can be formed, or laid out in circles, spirals, grids or custom shapes. You may also view a list of chronologies, a sequence showing the length of events, or choose relative or logarithmic scales. Choose how to better reflect, scale and layout your details, and Power BI can create a timeline from it; use that to tell your company's past, illustrate how demand is growing, or clarify something else that matters in the sequence of events.
You can ask a real-time question in Power BI. Power BI provides a visual called Q&A. Q&A uses the names of tables, columns and calculated fields in the data sets; if the column is called ‘area’ rather than ‘region’, you’d need to ask for “sales by area” unless you add synonyms Power Bi also provides custom visuals. The Power KPI custom visualization combines multiple report types into a single tile. SO, it is also useful to fit more data into a single dashboard.
There are models for a lot of other tools, and as long as you can get the data into a SQL Server or Azure SQL database, you can create your own dashboards and reports for other tools.


Above are the reasons why we use Power bi. I hope it will help you to understand the uses of Power BI. Thanks for reading. 

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