What are Functional Requirements?

What are Functional Requirements?

Functional Requirements of the system are a very critical part of the system in which we defined the overall functionality of the system. Functional Requirements define the behavior of the system means what the system should do, Like, and Code Compiler should complete the Machine Code.

Functional requirements are a critical aspect of software development and system design. They represent specific functionalities and capabilities that a software system or application must possess to meet the needs of its users and stakeholders. These requirements outline what the system should do and define the expected behaviors and interactions with users or other systems. Functional requirements describe the "what" of the system's features rather than the "how."

Characteristics of functional requirements

  1. Specificity: They should be precise and unambiguous, leaving no room for interpretation.
  2. Verifiability: Functional requirements should be testable to ensure that they are properly implemented.
  3. Completeness: They should cover all necessary features and functionalities expected from the system.
  4.  Consistency: Requirements must not contradict each other or lead to conflicting expectations.
  5. Atomicity: Each requirement should represent a single functionality or capability rather than a combination of multiple features.

Some of the Functional Requirement examples are listed below.

  • Business Rules.
  • Transaction corrections, adjustments, and cancellations.
  • Admin Functionality of the system.
  • Authentication rule.
  • Payment Functionality of the System.
  • Log in and Log out Functionality.

Functional requirements can be expressed using various techniques, such as natural language (i.e., written descriptions), use cases, user stories, or even visual representations like diagrams and flowcharts. Here are a few examples of functional requirements for a hypothetical online shopping website:

1. User Registration

  1. Description: Users should be able to create an account by providing their email address, password, and other required information.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: Upon successful registration, users should receive a confirmation email and gain access to their accounts.

2. Product Search

  1. Description: Users should be able to search for products by entering keywords in the search bar.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: The system should return relevant products based on the user's search query within a reasonable response time.

3. Add to Cart

  1. Description: Users should be able to add products to their shopping cart from the product detail page.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: The shopping cart should display the selected products with their respective quantities, and the total cost should be updated accordingly.

4. Checkout and Payment

  1. Description: Users should be able to proceed to checkout from the shopping cart and complete the purchase.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: The system should securely process payments through various payment methods and provide an order confirmation page after successful payment.

5. Order History

  1. Description: Users should be able to view their order history and track the status of their past orders.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: The system should display a list of previous orders with relevant details, such as order date, items purchased, and delivery status.

Functional requirements are vital for guiding the development team, communicating with stakeholders, and ensuring that the final product meets the desired objectives and user expectations

How are Functional Requirements Gathered?

Gathering functional requirements is a crucial step in the software development process, as it lays the foundation for creating a system that meets the needs of its users and stakeholders. The process of gathering functional requirements involves various techniques and methodologies, and it often requires close collaboration between different stakeholders, including business analysts, product managers, developers, and end-users. Here are some common methods used to gather functional requirements:

Functional Requirements of any system can be gathered in the following ways.

Study the existing system.

Functional Requirements of the system can be extracted by studying the existing system. Study the existing module and test every functionality of the system for extracting the functional Requirements of the system.


We can gather the functional requirements of the system by arranging back-to-back meetings with clients and discussing every functionality of the system.

  • Study the Organizational Documents
  • Study the User Manual of the Existing System.

Interviews and Workshops

Business analysts or project managers conduct interviews with stakeholders and subject matter experts to understand their needs, expectations, and pain points. Workshops can also be organized, bringing together key stakeholders to brainstorm and define requirements collaboratively.

Surveys and Questionnaires

Surveys can be distributed to a broader audience to collect feedback and requirements from a larger group of users or customers.


Analysts and developers may observe how users currently interact with existing systems or manually perform tasks to identify areas that need improvement or automation.


Creating a basic prototype or mockup of the system allows stakeholders to visualize and interact with the proposed functionalities, which can lead to more refined and accurate requirements.

Use Cases and User Stories

Use cases describe typical interactions between users and the system, outlining the steps and expected outcomes. User stories, commonly used in Agile development, focus on end-user goals and are written in a user-centric format.

Requirements Workshops

Facilitated workshops involving key stakeholders can help in eliciting requirements collaboratively and resolving any conflicting viewpoints.

Document Analysis

Reviewing existing documents, such as business process documents, system manuals, or regulatory guidelines, can provide valuable insights into functional requirements.

Benchmarking and Market Research

Analyzing competitors' products or market trends can help identify features and functionalities that are in demand and should be considered in the system.

Brainstorming and Idea Generation

Encouraging open discussions and brainstorming sessions with stakeholders can lead to new ideas and requirements.

Contextual Inquiry

Observing users in their natural environment while they perform tasks related to the system can offer deeper insights into their needs and workflows.

Prototyping and Proof of Concept

Building small-scale prototypes or proof-of-concept implementations can help validate specific functionalities and gather feedback from users early in the development process.

It's essential to remember that functional requirements should be clear, concise, and well-documented. Additionally, they may evolve throughout the development lifecycle as new insights are gained, technology changes, or market demands shift. Therefore, maintaining open communication and collaboration with stakeholders is crucial to ensure that the gathered requirements accurately reflect the needs of the system's users and deliver the intended value.


After studying this article, we concluded that Functional Requirements and gathering functional requirements is a very important part of software development. Functional Requirements define the behavior of the system means what the system should do, Like and Code Compiler should complete the Machine Code.

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