What are Azure Resource Group Benefits?

Before starting, please check this article What Are Azure Resources and Resource Groups?


  • The main benefits are administration is much easier. Let’s understand this with an example.
  • Consider a virtual machine. When we create a virtual machine in Azure, several other associated resources are automatically created like the following – a disk for the virtual machine, a public IP address, a network interface, a network security group, and a virtual network.
  • Without these resources, an Azure virtual machine doesn’t work as expected.
  • After you’re done with the VM, you may want to delete it to save on cost. However, when you delete the virtual machine, the associated resources are not automatically deleted. You have to delete them manually.
  • If you forget to delete one or more associated resources, you are unnecessarily paying for those resources that you’re not actually using.
  • Now, let’s quickly take a look at this in action.

Create the Virtual Machine

  • Open the Portal and Create the Virtual Machine.
    Virtual Machine
  • Fill in the Details below and Click on Review + Create.
    Click on Review
  • VM will be created. You can see the VM under the resource group.
  • If you want to delete the VM after your work, then only deleting the VM will not delete the resources that were created, you need to delete them manually by selecting each.
    Delete VM
  • If you delete the resource group, then all the resources will be deleted.
    Delete the resource group
  • To check the cost management of resources, navigate to cost management > cost analysis.
    Cost Management
  • To add access to the resource, navigate to Access Control (IAM) > Click on the Add button to control the resource access from the resource group level.
     Access Control


  • When using the resource group, we need not to delete the resource manually.
  • Without a Resource group development and deployment will be a critical and time-consuming job.
  • Cost management is much easier.
  • Role-based access control can be applied at the resource group level.
  • Resource groups offer great benefits both to developers and administrators.

Azure Resource Groups offer streamlined resource management by enabling users to organize and manage multiple resources as a single entity, simplifying deployment, monitoring, and access control. They also enhance cost management and optimization by allowing for consolidated billing and resource tracking within specific projects or environments.

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