Using MockingContext: A Flexible IServiceProvider Implementation in C#


The MockingContext class provides a dynamic way to concretize or mock services for your .NET applications. This class implements the IServiceProvider interface, thereby enabling seamless integration with the existing dependency injection mechanisms in .NET. This article delves into how to use this class for effective unit testing and rapid prototyping.


  • Basic understanding of C#
  • Familiarity with dependency injection and mocking frameworks like Moq
  • .NET SDK installed

Features of MockingContext

The MockingContext class has the following key features:

  • Dynamic service instantiation
  • On-the-fly mocking for interfaces
  • Handling of generic enumerable service types

Code Breakdown

  • Constructor and ServiceCollection: The class has two constructors. The parameterless constructor initializes a new ServiceCollection. The parameterized constructor allows you to pass in an existing ServiceCollection.

  • GetService Method: This method attempts to provide a concrete instance of a service based on the type passed. It can return multiple instances for enumerable types and mocks services if no concrete implementation is registered.

  • MakeConcrete Method: This private method tries to concretize a service descriptor or a type. For interfaces and mock types, it will create a mock instance.

  • Other Helper Methods: GetConstructor and GetConstructorArguments methods assist in constructing concrete instances of classes.


Setting Up MockingContext

MockingContext context = new MockingContext();

Requesting a Service

var myService = context.GetService(typeof(IMyService));

Mocking on the Fly

When you request a service that hasn't been registered, MockingContext will return a mocked instance.

var mockedService = context.GetService(typeof(INotRegisteredService));


MockingContext offers a flexible and dynamic way to manage service dependencies in your .NET applications, making it especially useful for unit testing scenarios where mocking and concrete implementations need to be swapped frequently.

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