Simple, Angular is an open-source, client-side development framework based on typescript, developed by Google. It's very easy to learn and very easy to implement. Moreover, the angular community is very strong.
Create an angular app
I will use angular CLI to create a new app. Open command prompt and execute this command > ng new app
Now open the project in vs code editor and serve by ng server command.
Add externaljs file
Step 1
Take a file in the assets folder and set any name. Like as custom.js
function getToday() {
alert(new Date().toLocaleDateString());
function greetings(name) {
alert(`wellcome ${name}`);
Step 2
Now add the customjs file reference in the angular.json scripts section array list. Like as below
Step 3
Now add the functions reference in a component file. I am using the app component.ts
//external js function declaration
declare function getToday(): any;
declare function greetings(name: any): any;
ngOnInit(): void {
// call the externaljs functions
getToday(); // without param
greetings('rohol'); // with param
Now again serve the app and get the result.
Happy coding and thanks for reading my article.