Using Azure OpenAI Service to Generate Images with DALL-E in .NET

Hey, there! In this tutorial, we'll see how to call an Azure OpenAI Service DALL-E model to generate new images from C#.

Required data from Azure

Key and endpoint: We can find this information in the Keys and Endpoint section in our Azure OpenAI Service resource.

Keys and EndPoints

Deployment name: This would be the instance of the model to use. In this case, we can go to the Azure OpenAI Service studio, and in the Deployments section specify a new one:

Microsoft Azure

Azure OpenAI client library for .NET

Azure OpenAI client library for .NET is an adaptation of OpenAI's REST APIs that provides an idiomatic interface and rich integration with the rest of the Azure SDK ecosystem.

This library will allow us to use the GPT model from C#.

NuGet package: Azure.AI.OpenAI

Code in C#

With the NuGet package installed, this is a C# class that will allow us to generate new images using a specified prompt.

using Azure;
using Azure.AI.OpenAI;

namespace GenerativeAI;

public class AzureOpenAIDALLE
    const string key = "YOUR_KEY";
    const string endpoint = "";
    const string deploymentOrModelName = "YOUR_DEPLOYMENT";

    public async Task<string> GetContent(string prompt)
        var client = new OpenAIClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(key));

        var imageGenerationOptions = new ImageGenerationOptions
            Prompt = prompt,
            DeploymentName = deploymentOrModelName,
            Size = new ImageSize("1024x1024"),
            ImageCount = 1

        var response = await client.GetImageGenerationsAsync(imageGenerationOptions);
        return response.Value.Data[0].Url.AbsoluteUri;


var dalle = new AzureOpenAIDALLE();

var dallePrompt = "Generate a featured image about Thanksgiving dishes";
Console.WriteLine($"{await dalle.GetContent(dallePrompt)}");

Microsoft Visual Studio Debug Console

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