Understanding the Working of Garbage Collector in .NET 9


Memory management is one of the core responsibilities of any runtime environment, and in .NET, this responsibility is handled by the Garbage Collector (GC). The GC in .NET is an automatic memory management tool that helps developers avoid common issues like memory leaks and dangling pointers by automating memory allocation and deallocation. In .NET 9, there are significant improvements and refinements to how the garbage collector operates. In this blog, we will dive into the inner workings of the GC, focusing on its process, generations, and what's new in .NET 9.

Why Garbage Collection?

To understand the importance of the garbage collector, let's first talk about its importance. In any application, you create objects, store data, and use memory. But once objects are no longer needed, that memory needs to be reclaimed. If this memory is not freed, it leads to memory leaks, where unused memory accumulates, causing performance degradation or even system crashes.

Manual memory management requires developers to keep track of every allocated block of memory and free it when it's no longer needed. This is prone to human error. The GC in .NET eliminates this problem by automatically reclaiming unused memory.

Core Concepts of Garbage Collection

Before we dive into the specifics of .NET 9, let’s understand the general process of how the garbage collector works:

  1. Memory Allocation: When you create a new object in your .NET application (e.g., a class instance), the runtime allocates memory for it on the managed heap.
  2. Root Identification: The GC identifies all roots (active references) in your program, including local variables, static fields, and CPU registers.
  3. Mark Phase: In this phase, the GC traverses all root references and marks objects that are still reachable. Any object that is not reachable is considered "garbage."
  4. Sweep and Compact: After marking, the GC reclaims memory by cleaning up unreachable objects. If needed, it may also compact memory to avoid fragmentation, thus optimizing future allocations.

Generational Garbage Collection

The .NET GC uses a generational approach, dividing objects into different "generations" based on their lifespan:

  • Generation 0: This is where newly created objects reside. Since most objects in an application are short-lived, they will likely be collected in this generation. When memory is full, the GC collects objects from Generation 0.
  • Generation 1: If objects survive the first collection, they are promoted to Generation 1, which handles medium-lived objects.
  • Generation 2: Objects that survive multiple garbage collections move to Generation 2, where long-lived objects (e.g., static data or global variables) are managed.

This generational system optimizes performance by collecting younger objects (which are more likely to be garbage) more frequently than older ones. The GC performs a Generation 0 collection much more often than a Generation 2 collection, which is more expensive in terms of performance.

Garbage Collection Modes

.NET offers different modes for garbage collection based on the needs of your application:

  • Workstation GC: Optimized for desktop or client applications that are single-threaded or lightly threaded.
  • Server GC: Optimized for high-performance, multi-threaded server applications. Server GC uses multiple threads to perform garbage collection simultaneously across different processors.
  • Background GC: Background garbage collection allows the application to continue running while a collection is in progress, reducing pauses and improving overall responsiveness.

What's New in .NET 9 GC?

In .NET 9, several enhancements have been made to improve garbage collection efficiency and reduce application pauses:

1. Dynamic Memory Tuning

.NET 9 introduces further optimizations for dynamic tuning of the garbage collector, where the GC adjusts its behavior based on the application's memory usage patterns. For example, if an application has a sudden spike in memory usage, the GC can scale up its efforts more quickly to respond to the increased demand.

2. Improved Latency for Server GC

Server GC has seen enhancements aimed at reducing latency spikes in server applications. In prior versions, Server GC could cause noticeable pauses during collection cycles, especially in large-scale systems. .NET 9 introduces techniques to mitigate this, resulting in smoother performance during garbage collection.

3. Better Generation 2 Collection Performance

Since Generation 2 collections are the most expensive, .NET 9 has focused on improving the performance and efficiency of large object collections. These optimizations reduce the frequency of full GC cycles while ensuring that memory is reclaimed effectively, especially in high-memory applications.

4. Enhanced Compaction Algorithm

Memory fragmentation is a critical issue in long-running applications. The GC in .NET 9 includes an improved compaction algorithm that more efficiently packs live objects together. This reduces fragmentation and helps future memory allocations perform faster by reducing the number of pages the GC has to scan.

5. Pinned Object Heap (POH)

Introduced earlier in .NET 5, the Pinned Object Heap (POH) is further refined in .NET 9. This heap is specifically for pinned objects (objects that can't be moved in memory), which previously hindered the efficiency of the garbage collector. The POH helps the GC avoid the complications of managing pinned objects in the standard heap, making garbage collection faster and more predictable.

Best Practices for Working with the GC

While the .NET garbage collector handles memory automatically, following some best practices can further optimize memory management in your applications:

  • Minimize Large Object Allocations: The Large Object Heap (LOH) is more costly to manage. Reuse large objects like arrays when possible.
  • Avoid Long-Lived Object References: Objects that remain referenced for a long time are promoted to Generation 2, making them harder to collect. Ensure that objects are dereferenced when no longer needed.
  • Use the Right Collection Mode: Choose between Workstation and Server GC based on your application type. For large-scale, multi-threaded applications, Server GC can provide better performance.
  • Use Weak References for Cache Objects: If you have objects that can be discarded when memory is scarce (e.g., cached data), use weak references to allow the GC to collect them when needed.

The Garbage Collector (GC) in .NET can be forced to run manually, but it is generally not recommended except in specific scenarios. The .NET runtime is designed to manage memory automatically, and forcing the GC can lead to performance degradation if not done carefully.

Here’s how you can force the GC to run in .NET:

Using GC.Collect()

The GC.Collect() method triggers garbage collection explicitly. It can be used in different ways depending on the need:

  1. Basic Usage: Calling GC.Collect() without any arguments forces the GC to collect objects in all generations (0, 1, and 2).
  2. Collect Specific Generations: You can specify which generation to collect. For example, if you only want to collect Generation 0 objects:

    This can be useful if you want to avoid a more expensive full garbage collection that includes Generation 2.

  3. Force Immediate Finalization: After forcing a collection, you can force the finalization of objects by calling GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers().
  4. Suppress Finalization: If you want to avoid finalization of specific objects, you can use GC.SuppressFinalize().

    When to Force Garbage Collection?

    While forcing GC can seem helpful, it should be done carefully as it can cause the following issues:

  • Performance Hits: The GC will typically run when needed, and forcing it adds extra overhead.
  • Pauses: Forcing the GC to collect large amounts of memory can cause application pauses or "GC stalls," especially for Generation 2 collections.

That said, forcing garbage collection may be useful in specific cases:

  • Low-memory situations: When you know the system is running low on memory, and your application can safely free some resources.
  • Critical sections: If your application enters a phase where it’s critical to release memory before continuing, such as after processing a large dataset or image.
  • Testing: To simulate or force garbage collection for testing purposes in a development environment.

Best Practice

Instead of forcing GC manually, it’s best to optimize memory management by reducing unnecessary allocations, reusing objects, and following GC best practices (like reducing long-lived object references).


The Garbage Collector in .NET 9 continues to evolve, providing more efficient and sophisticated memory management mechanisms. With its generational model, dynamic memory tuning, and enhanced performance, developers can rely on the GC to minimize memory leaks and ensure that memory management is not a bottleneck for performance.

Understanding the workings of the GC, along with the new improvements in .NET 9, enables developers to write more efficient applications. While the GC takes care of most memory management issues, following best practices ensures that you get the most out of the system, especially in high-performance or large-scale applications.

Happy Learning :)

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