Understanding the Flag Enums in C#

Flags Enum Attribute

  1. Use the [Flags] attribute to represent the enum as a bit field.
  2. The [Flags] attribute should be used whenever the enumerable represents a collection of possible values, rather than a single value. Such collections are often used with bitwise operators.
    public enum SignalColor
        None = 0,//0000
        Red = 1,//0001
        Green = 2,//0010
        Yellow = 4,//0100
        Stop = Red | Yellow//0101
    public class FlagsEnum
        public static void Test()
            //SignalColor.Stop & SignalColor.Red == SignalColor.Red
            if (SignalColor.Stop.HasFlag(SignalColor.Red))
                Console.WriteLine("Red is to stop");

Explanation of the above code

  1. The value of SignalColor.Stop is 0101 in binary (which is 5 in decimal).
  2. The value of SignalColor.Red is 0001 in binary (which is 1 in decimal).

When you perform a bitwise AND operation between SignalColor.Stop (0101) and SignalColor.Red (0001), the result is.

  • 0101 (Stop)
  • 0001 (Red)


0001 (which equals SignalColor.Red)


The SignalColor enum uses the [Flags] attribute to represent a combination of signal colors using bitwise operations.

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