Understanding Synonyms in SQL Server

What are Synonyms?

A synonym is a database object that provides an alternative name for another database object, known as the base object, which can be located on either a local or remote server.

Why Synonyms?

  • Simplification: They simplify the SQL queries by providing shorter or more meaningful names for complex object names.
  • Abstraction: Synonyms hide the details of the underlying database objects, allowing changes to those objects without affecting the code that references the synonyms.
  • Flexibility: They enable you to change the database schema without having to rewrite existing SQL code.


CREATE SYNONYM schema_name.synonym_name FOR [object]

Example. Create a Synonym for a local object.

I have a Sales. Customer table in the AdventureWorks2022 database. Now, I am going to create a synonym in the MyWork database with the name dbo.SalesCustomer.

--Customer table in AdventureWorks2022
SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks2022.Sales.Customer

--Create a synonym for the Customer table MyWork databasel
USE MyWork
CREATE SYNONYM dbo.SalesCustomer
FOR AdventureWorks2022.Sales.Customer

--Query synonym to access the Sales.Customer base table
SELECT * FROM dbo.SalesCustomer



Example. Create a Synonym for a remote object.

In this example, I have the AdventureWorks 2022.Person.[Address] table on the MyDevServer linked server. Now, I am going to create a synonym named dbo.PersonAddress.

CREATE SYNONYM dbo.PersonAddress FOR MyDevServer.AdventureWorks2022.Person.[Address]

What operations can we do using Synonyms?

The following operations can be performed using synonyms.


Get information about synonyms

The catalog view contains an entry for each synonym in a given database.

SELECT * FROM sys.synonyms




By creating synonyms, we can use more intuitive and shorter names for complex or remote database objects, which makes your SQL code easier to maintain and understand.

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